Owner Special

Owner Web Special!

1st Month Free!

We are so confident in our services that we are offering you the 1st month of Management Services Free!

FREE Digital Document Delivery

Only requires online internet access and a signature.

Leasing Fee

85% of the 1st month’s rent, which pays for new tenant procurement. Covers all advertising, postings listings online and used to pay commission to real estate agents involved in securing tenant.

FREE Processing Service Calls

When necessary we will dispatch trades to property for routine and emergency maintenance. Cost of repairs will be deducted from Owner’s account and appear on their statement.

Included Benefits

FREE 3-Day Pay Notice

Paid for by Management out of late fees

Eviction Court Appearances

We appear on behalf of the owner for all eviction court cases!

FREE Online Account Portal

Only requires internet access and an email address.

FREE Direct Deposit via ACH

Owner distributions are made via Automated Clearing House (ACH) from Trust operating account to your account.
